This is a post I wrote last night over at my other blog and thought it was worth sharing here too. Especially since it has so much to do with my love of literature and writing. Enjoy!
For as long as I can remember I have loved to read. I have loved to browse shelves in stores, libraries or homes. I have loved to bury my nose in an old book and breathe deeply to smell the amazing worn yet loved scent that comes from books. I have loved the ability to throw my Nook into whatever purse or bag I may be using at the moment and easily have a large selection of books at my disposal without the weight or bulk of multiple books. I have loved reading blogs, reviews, critiques and suggestions for books that I have never heard of which has been expanding my knowledge of literature and what is out there just waiting to be discovered. I have loved knowing that my escape from reality isn't through TV or video games, but rather through words, stories and adventures.
For as long as I can remember I have loved to read. I have loved to browse shelves in stores, libraries or homes. I have loved to bury my nose in an old book and breathe deeply to smell the amazing worn yet loved scent that comes from books. I have loved the ability to throw my Nook into whatever purse or bag I may be using at the moment and easily have a large selection of books at my disposal without the weight or bulk of multiple books. I have loved reading blogs, reviews, critiques and suggestions for books that I have never heard of which has been expanding my knowledge of literature and what is out there just waiting to be discovered. I have loved knowing that my escape from reality isn't through TV or video games, but rather through words, stories and adventures.
And that love for words, stories, books, and reading has made me start to dream a new dream. Well, it's not necessarily a new dream. More like a renewed or re-awakened dream. That dream is the dream to take literature classes and learn more about the world of literature. To learn how to read more critically. To learn how to edit. To learn how to write.
When I was younger, before GOD got a hold of me through the stories of Steve Saint and Mincaye, I wanted to be a literature teacher. I wanted to study literature and maybe even do some writing myself. Well, obviously that changed a bit when GOD laid a huge passion for missions on my heart and I never really thought of it again. Until recently. I have been reading so much this year (the perks of not being in school anymore and not working full-time!) that my love, my passion, for reading and books has burst out again and that dream is re-awakening.
I know that I don't really have money to go back to school to study literature and that I still have too much to pay back in loans to even think about that as an option. But maybe one day I will get the chance to. Maybe one day I will get to be back in the classroom and study some of the greatest authors and stories in history (and yes, I know that I got to study the best piece of literature and the greatest Author ever in Bible college). And maybe one day I will get the chance to edit or write something of significance myself. Maybe one day I will have a story (whether fictional or non-fictional) that people would want to read. Maybe one day this re-awakened dream of mine will become more than just a dream.
Sometimes when I think about this dream, I wonder about this blog (and my other one devoted solely to books and authors). I wonder why I write here. I wonder who reads it. I wonder if it's any good. I wonder what the purpose is behind it. And then I remind myself that this is my outlet. Writing has always been a way for me to vent or dream or work through a topic of interest. It has always been a part of me and this blog is where I do most, but definitely not all, of that writing. My thoughts are not always coherent. My writing is not always eloquent. My topics are not always consistent. But I suppose that's okay. Especially since it's a way for me to get all of the words, ideas, frustrations, stories, etc. out of my head and somewhere where I can remember them without the headache.
So, I write here. And I will keep writing here until I decide it's time to write somewhere else or time to stop writing altogether. I don't see that happening for an incredibly long time. But you never know what dream will stay a dream, what dream will become a reality or what adventure life will take you on that is so very different than the one you are on now or the one you dream to be on. So, here's to writing and reading for as long as I can.
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