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Showing posts from 2012

Worth More than 1 Read

I am on a re-read spree right now. Since the beginning of the month, I have only read one book (out of 7 so far this month) that was new to me. Other than that one, everything else has been a re-read. I have absolutely no problem with re-reading books. Especially if they are ones that I bought and have sitting in my house all the time. If I spent the money and read it once already, I am almost certain to read it again. Part of it is because I know that it's a story that I really like (or absolutely love). Part of it is that sometimes I want to read a story that is familiar and well-known, one that I have parts memorized or etched into my memory. And part of it is convenience. If it's on my shelf I don't have to worry about driving to the store and picking from countless titles to find something that may not be as good or one that I may not love as much. One of the series that I think is totally worth re-reading over and over again and the one that I am currently re-reading ...

"How Reading Changed My Life"

When I was younger, my favorite way to celebrate my birthday was to go and spend time by myself or with my mom since she would have to drive me at Barnes and Noble. One year my mom drove me an hour to the closest Barnes and Noble and spent the entire day reading in her own chair and corner while I wandered and read to my heart's content. My whole family quickly learned to give me giftcards so that I could buy books rather than buying toys or clothes as presents. And whenever I got those giftcards I looked for every chance I could to go to the store. This year's birthday was no different. My birthday was earlier this week and my husband and I didn't do much to celebrate other than driving around and looking at Christmas lights (I've never been big on birthday celebrations). And on Tuesday night he had a meeting. So, I decided that I was going to take the time he was in his meeting to go and wander my favorite store. It was an amazingly wonderful night. I ended up being...

My Favorite Reads of 2012

I can't believe that December is already half over and that Christmas is just a week away. I can't believe that a new year will be starting soon and that I will yet again get tripped up for a month on what year to write on paperwork and checks. I can't believe that 2012 is almost done. But I also can't believe just how much I have read this year. Since this blog is fairly new (I started it in March) and this is the first year that I have actually tracked or paid attention to what I've read and how much I've read, I was surprised to look at my "Read in 2012" page and count that I have read 50 books so far this year (I still have two weeks of December left and am reading a lot, so it'll be more than 50 by the actual end of the year!). I never would have guessed that that's how many I read. I knew I read a lot, but to have a number to make it real is kinda crazy. And kinda cool at the same time. I am actually pretty impressed with myself (is tha...

Proving once again that...

I am such a nerd! Honestly, I don't know how else to describe myself. I am a full-fledged nerd, bookworm and hopeless romantic. Earlier this week I spent time re-organizing my bookshelves because I was bothered by the fact that I had books stacked on top of each other. I have spent countless hours on Pinterest looking at book lists, book art and various libraries and reading nooks. I have spent too much time watching the clock at work counting down the minutes til I could go home and get back to my book. I have spent too much time quoting   The Two Towers  by J.R.R. Tolkien while watching the movie and gotten too upset with how different the movie is from the book. Seriously. I'm ridiculous. Such a bookworm. Such a nerd.  What can I say? I love my books. I love the adventures I get to go on. I love the characters I get to know. I love the trials and triumphs that I get to experience through my imagination. And those things happen whether I read fiction or ...

Dickens in December

What is your favorite memory of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol? Have you ever read it? If not, will you? Why should others read it rather than relying on the film adaptions? So, I have to be completely honest and make a confession... I have never in my almost 24 years of life and 20ish years of reading ever actually finished a book by Charles Dickens. I own all of his books (whether in hard copy or on my Nook), but I have never actually finished one of his works. I attempted to read Oliver Twist and David Copperfield back when I was in junior high and maybe high school. But I gave up not long after starting them. I have seen the movies, in fact they are two of my favorite movies of all time, but sadly I have failed in reading the books. And honestly, I have no idea why. I think back when I first tried to read them they were just a little too hard for me. The older English grammar. The more detailed and intricate story-lines. They just made it hard for me to get through. With tha...

A Love of Words Turning Into a Dream

This  is a post I wrote last night over at my other blog and thought it was worth sharing here too. Especially since it has so much to do with my love of literature and writing. Enjoy! For as long as I can remember I have loved to read. I have loved to browse shelves in stores, libraries or homes. I have loved to bury my nose in an old book and breathe deeply to smell the amazing worn yet loved scent that comes from books. I have loved the ability to throw my Nook into whatever purse or bag I may be using at the moment and easily have a large selection of books at my disposal without the weight or bulk of multiple books. I have loved reading blogs, reviews, critiques and suggestions for books that I have never heard of which has been expanding my knowledge of literature and what is out there just waiting to be discovered. I have loved knowing that my escape from reality isn't through TV or video games, but rather through words, stories and adventures. And that love fo...

November Wrap Up with a Top-Ten Tuesday bonus!

Have you ever asked yourself why people go through phases in life? What the purpose is behind those phases or even if there is a purpose? Have you ever spent some time looking over how you have spent your time in the last few months or even years and looked at how your hobbies or interests have changed? I have asked that question a lot over the last couple of months. Mostly because I took a look at this blog and my other more personal blog and noticed just how much I seem to bounce from thing to thing with no real sense of rhyme or reason. I noticed that over the last few months (since August really) I have gone from reading nothing but classics and fiction to reading nothing but missions and church books to reading nothing at all and playing with my paints and canvases to spending hours on Pinterest or watching Netflix and then finally back to reading fiction again. There are so many things that I am interested in. Things I am passionate about. Things I am entertained by. And I just c...