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The Life-Giving Leader by Tyler Reagin

I have never thought of myself as a leader. I have always been more content with being someone who blends into the background and isn't seen or followed or looked to for guidance. My husband on the other hand... loves leadership stuff and even got his Masters of Divinity in Leadership Studies from our beloved Lincoln Christian University.

So when I got the opportunity to read Tyler Reagin's (president of Catalyst) new book, The Life-Giving Leader, before it released as a part of the launch team with Waterbrook & Multnomah, I was a little on the fence about it. I didn't want to be challenged to step into a leadership role or have my comfortable "let others do it" mindset stripped down. And while it wasn't the deepest of leadership books or provide me with a life-changing attitude towards leadership, it did challenge me to think about how I can lead in a way that fits who God created me to be and the way He designed me to think and work.

One of the quotes that stood out to me the most was this:

"At Catalyst, we have a consistent prayer. I'm not sure there has been a more important prayer in the life of our team. It is this: "God, move through us and not in spite of us." It's all about posture. Place yourself in God's path so He will move through you and won't have to go around you." 

So while there were moments when I felt the flow of the book was slow and there was a lot of redundancy, the idea was a good one. It just needed a little more depth and a little more polishing.

If you end up picking this one up, let me know what you think when you finish it.


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