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August Wrap Up

This month I participated in the Austen in August Event and it was great! I enjoyed reading some new books by Miss Jane Austen and getting to read and learn about other people's love for her novels. She is definitely a beloved author and I hope she remains so for years and years to come. Along with reading 3 Austen novels, I was introduced and a bit consumed by the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series by Rick Riordan. Some of our students from church really love the series and loaned them to me. I read all 5 of them in less than a week. When I gave them back to the students they were in shock. They hadn't believed me when I said I could read them in a week. It was a great series and one I am glad I was introduced to. I am not entirely sure what I am going to read this month. I may return to Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen or Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. But who knows. I am now feeling any particular desire for any particular book. So we shall see what the month brings to my reading habits. But for now, here are my stats for August! 

Books read this month: 
Joan of Arc by Mark Twain 
This Little Britain: How One Small Country Built the Modern World by Harry Bingham  
Mansfield Park  by Jane Austen  
When Life and Beliefs Collide by Carolyn Custis James 
Emma by Jane Austen
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (re-read)

Favorite book read this month: 
Joan of Arc by Mark Twain 
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan 

Least favorite book read this month: 
Emma by Jane Austen 
Emma drove me absolutely crazy!!! 

Number of pages read this month: 
4,106 pages

Number of pages read this year: 
21,468 pages

Number of books read this year: 
80 books

Number of Classics read so far: 
17 of 76


  1. Hey! I'm a new reader and I really like your blog. I also took part in Austen and August event and read Mansfield Park last month.

    You had such a successful reading month!

    1. Hey! I just saw this comment. Sorry that it took my 3 months to respond! I am glad you have joined the world of readers and book bloggers! How did you like Mansfield Park? What are some of the books you like to read?


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