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The Classics Spin #2 is here!!!

So since the first Classic Spin was such a hit, the moderators over at the Classics Club decided to do another one. This Monday they will announce the number that is randomly picked between 1 and 20 and then whatever the title is that corresponds with the number is the Classic I need to try and read before July 1. I can pick any 20 titles from the my Classics Club list. For the last one I read Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens and loved it. Maybe I will have the same luck this time around. And so without further ado... Here is my Classic Spin List 2.0!!

Already On My Shelf: 
1. The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer 
2. The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky 
3. The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien
4. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
5. The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf
6. Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell 

7. Confessions of St. Augustine by Augustine
8. Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
9. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson 
10. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
11. Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne 

Can't Wait to Read: 
12. Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery 
13. Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
14. Portrait of a Lady by Henry James 
15. David Copperfield by Charles Dickens 

All Jane Austen:
16. Mansfield Park
17. Northanger Abbey 
18. Persuasion
19. Pride & Prejudice (would be a re-read)
20. Sense and Sensibility


  1. A lot of Austen love in your list this time. I have the Gaskell on my big list, but not for this spin.
    Dickens is pretty amazing once you get into him, isn't he?
    Good luck :-)

  2. We have a lot in common on our lists! I have some Jane Austen (I'm hoping to spend all of June reading Jane.. get it?!. I also have Anne of Green Gables on my list. The Scarlet Letter, it is one of my favorites, I hope it moves from your dread list to your favorites list when you've finished it! Great list!

  3. The Idiot is SO good. I was really surprised. I loved Robinson Crusoe, too - was not expecting to like it at all. David Copperfield might be my favorite Dickens novel. And all that Austen, what can I say? She's amazing. I hope you'll join us for Austen in August!

  4. Well, you can't go wrong if it's 16-20. I've read and loved them all! Robinson Crusoe's not too bad, and I loved The Scarlet Letter. If you liked Oliver Twist, I think you're going to LOVE David Copperfield.

  5. Treasure Island is really enjoyable actually, but The Confession is indeed intimidating! David Copperfield is one of those books that I can't wait to read too, but I think I must be patient until CC's sync-reading in November, I think it would be fun to read together with others!
    Good luck with your spin...


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