I love Mark's style of writing. He is straight and to the point, while being incredibly sensitive and discerning in regards to what the Spirit may do through his words to transform hearts and lives. And he has tackled some tough, scary topics that some wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole -- like praying really bold prayers and listening intentionally for God's voice.
In his newest book, Whisper, he walks through the tricky pathways of hearing and listening to God's voice. He shares about seven love languages of God and how we can be aware and become better listeners as God draws us nearer to Him. And he does it with solid Scriptural support and adds stories of real life experiences (and even some fascinating science and medical studies) to give a personal touch to each one.
He writes, "Nothing has the potential to change your life like the whisper of God. Nothing will determine your destiny more than your ability to hear His still small voice. That's how you discern the good, pleasing and perfect will of God. That's how you see and seize divine appointments. That's how God-sized dreams are birthed. That's how miracles happen."
So. Much. Goodness. from the first page to the last. If you pick up any book that challenges you in your relationship with God this year, make it this one.
p.s. You can pre-order Whisper now and get a signed advance copy and bookmark! You can check it out at www.MarkBatterson.com/Whisper
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