Mark Batterson is a pastor, church planter and author who has written over 15 books and I've read two of them: The Circle Maker and his newest book that comes out on October 24th -- Whisper (this is another book I'm on the launch team for currently). I love Mark's style of writing. He is straight and to the point, while being incredibly sensitive and discerning in regards to what the Spirit may do through his words to transform hearts and lives. And he has tackled some tough, scary topics that some wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole -- like praying really bold prayers and listening intentionally for God's voice. In his newest book, Whisper , he walks through the tricky pathways of hearing and listening to God's voice. He shares about seven love languages of God and how we can be aware and become better listeners as God draws us nearer to Him. And he does it with solid Scriptural support and adds stories of real life experiences (and even some fascinating s...
Jane Smiley wrote, "Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book."