What kind of faith do I want? What kind of relationship with Jesus do I want? What kind do you want? Do we want one that is sparkly and noticeable, but surface-level? Or do we want one that is messy and hard, but so very rich and deep? What dreams do I have? Have I stopped dreaming? What dreams do you have? Have you stopped dreaming?
Kristen Welch -- wife, mama, blogger at We are THAT Family and founder of Mercy House, a non-profit maternity home in Kenya -- has wrestled with those kinds of questions over the last few years. And her response has been to set aside the sparkles and shine for the nitty-gritty and oftentimes messy life that comes with saying "yes" to Jesus. With her response has come great joy and triumphs, along with some deep heartache and sorrow. But through it all she has continued to say "yes."
I just finished reading her book Rhinestone Jesus: Saying Yes to God When Sparkly, Safe Faith is No Longer Enough. And OH MY GOODNESS! It was incredible. There was so much goodness packed into a short 250 pages, but the good thing is she continues to write and share on her blog!
I am not even really sure what to say or what to share from the book. Just that it was so incredibly good, encouraging, challenging and eye-opening. I would highly recommend it. So go! Go to the bookstore and get a copy! And then dive into it. But be ready to be changed and to say "yes" in a way you've never said it before.
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