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Showing posts from January, 2014

"Tragedies come in the hungry hours..."

While not on my Classics Club List, I agree that Virginia Woolf's The Voyage Out is one worthy to be counted among the Classics. It's style is unique. It's story is not typical. It's heroine isn't much of a heroine. But yet despite all of that, it is written with beautiful imagery and an incredible amount of heart-felt emotion. Virginia Woolf was a lady who faced a lot of tragedy and heartache. So much so that it drove to her to some dark times of depression and eventually to taking her own life. But when she came out of those dark times, she was able to write. She was able to put pen to paper and spin a story of love, life, family, heartache, travel and adventure. She was able to write in such a way that her readers could sit back for a moment (or a day) and breathe in the salty air that one would breathe while crossing the ocean or hear the sounds of the jungle while riding up the river. She wrote in such a way that her readers could ache with Rachel or question...

Another Month, Another Year Gone

I sit here at the end of January 1st wondering how in the world the last month, let alone the last year, could have gone so quickly. I am anxious at the thought of a new year being here and the possibilities that are to come. I am anxious because I don't want to miss a single moment and I don't want to waste another year full of empty promises, goals and resolutions. I want this year to be a year of moments. A year of taking every moment and cherishing it and using it to it's fullest potential. I have a few goals that I have come up with for this year. Two specific dreams that I want one or the other to come true by next January 1st. I am keeping them a secret so that my heart is protected in case they don't come true. Call me silly. But I hate getting my hopes up and then having them dashed. I always have and I always will. That's just me. And maybe this year will be different. Who knows? As far as reading goes, I have no set goals or plans for this...