So life has really gotten away from me and I haven't written here since the very beginning of June. I feel awful about not writing more, but at the same time I just haven't had time to sit down and write the way I want to. Not to mention that when I do have time to just sit and relax, all I want to do is read or watch TV with my husband. I do missing writing and staying connected to different blogs. But right now, it's just not a priority. Maybe that makes me an awful blogger. Maybe that just makes me human. But either way, I still love my books and I still want to be connected to the world of literature. In June, I read quite a bit. It was a busy month complete with Vacation Bible School, work and two trips home to Iowa. But I still managed to squeeze a lot of reading time into the craziness of life. I read a lot of books that I would consider "light," meaning they didn't take a lot of work for me to focus on or get completely lost in. They were books ...
Jane Smiley wrote, "Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book."