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Showing posts from July, 2013

June Wrap Up

So life has really gotten away from me and I haven't written here since the very beginning of June. I feel awful about not writing more, but at the same time I just haven't had time to sit down and write the way I want to. Not to mention that when I do have time to just sit and relax, all I want to do is read or watch TV with my husband. I do missing writing and staying connected to different blogs. But right now, it's just not a priority. Maybe that makes me an awful blogger. Maybe that just makes me human. But either way, I still love my books and I still want to be connected to the world of literature.  In June, I read quite a bit. It was a busy month complete with Vacation Bible School, work and two trips home to Iowa. But I still managed to squeeze a lot of reading time into the craziness of life. I read a lot of books that I would consider "light," meaning they didn't take a lot of work for me to focus on or get completely lost in. They were books ...