In my time as a missions major at Lincoln Christian University, I read a lot of books and did a lot of projects on various topics. Everything from the country of Cambodia to the issue of sex trafficking to orphans to child soldiers to family ministry. And to this day I still devote a lot of time to studying and reading up on those things as I serve in the local church with my husband and wait to see where GOD will lead us in the future. While I know those are some tough subjects to read about and some that most people would be terrified to even think about, the reality is that my heart breaks for children who have found themselves abandoned, abused and broken in some way or another. My heart breaks for children all around the world who have to live each day with some sort of fear. Fear of who will take advantage of them next. Fear of not being able to find a place to sleep. Fear of not being able to find a meal. Fear of not being able to have a future and a life that matters. And so I ...
Jane Smiley wrote, "Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book."