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Showing posts from June, 2012

Page After Page

I am in this reading mood where I can't seem to read enough. All I have done since my honeymoon is read every chance I get. With not working right now, you would think I would have hours and hours to read. But with learning to manage and maintain a new house, helping with church Vacation Bible School, traveling for receptions and youth events, substituting at the church daycare... my days fill up pretty quick and my reading time starts to disappear. But evenings have proven to be good to me. I have been able to read for a while in the evenings while my husband sits and listens to baseball or works on budgets/bills. I read Candide by Voltaire last week in two days and I just finished The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett in three days. But I still just can't get enough reading in my life I feel like. It's not a new feeling/desire to me. For as long as I can remember I have always loved and longed to fill my hours lost in the pages of a book. I have always found myse...


So I am half way done with Candide by Voltaire. And let me just say that if it wasn't for the fact that I hate starting a book and never finishing it, I would throw it out the window and never pick it up again. I am so completely bored with it and it reminds me of the books I had to read for my Humanities class in college. And let's just say that that class is hated by everyone who takes it that is not a philosophy major. Candide reminds me of Kafka's Metamorphosis or Milton's Paradise Lost. And both of those were terrible and like pulling teeth in my opinion. The writing style is good for the most part. But the amount of constant change in the plot and the shallowness of every character and event is just killing me. I am going to finish it because that's just me. But we shall see if I can get through it without throwing it across the room. Wish me luck!

Top Ten Tuesday: Summer Reads

It's "Top Ten Tuesday" from The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is about what books am I looking forward to reading this summer. So here's my list! 1. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien. This is a re-read for me, but I am excited to do it as a group-read/event. 2. Candide by Voltaire. I am actually starting this one today and looking forward to it since it sounds so intriguing and tackles a tough topic. 3.. The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgson Burnett. I have seen the movie countless times, but I never read the book. It's already sitting on my shelf and just waiting to be opened. 4. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I have been wanting to read this book since it came out. But never got the chance. So, I am going to make time for it this summer. 5. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I just finished her sister's Jane Eyre and can't wait to be introduced into Emily's writing style. 6. Mixed Signals by Liz Curti...

The World of Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester

Let me just start off with saying that this was my first introduction to the Bronte sisters' collection of writings. I have, of course, heard all about their books and read background information on the authors in various literature books/classes for school. But I had never actually sat down and read one of their books. I know a few times when I was in high school I had tried to read Wuthering Heights , but only got past the first page or two before quitting and moving onto something else (like Austen or Alcott). But I can now officially say I have read one of the Bronte books. I have finally read Jane Eyre (which would be counted on the list of books I feel everyone else has read except for me). I started reading Jane Eyre on Monday, a week ago. It was the first full day in the cabin that my husband and I went to for our honeymoon. And he was kind enough to let me lay on the couch all morning reading (and every morning after). I finished it in a quick 5 days. And had moments whe...

May/June Wrap Up

So things have been crazy in my life the last few weeks. For starters, I got married! And then spent a week settling into my new house and then went on my honeymoon for another week. And our house doesn't currently have internet, which meant I couldn't do this post until now (I'm sitting in my husband's office catching up on all sorts of things related to the internet).  But as crazy as things have been, I have gotten to read a ton. I read two books on my honeymoon. And one of them ( Jane Eyre to be exact) was a bit of a chunker. So real quick here are the stats for May/June (I will do another one in a few weeks when June ends, along with a post about my thoughts on reading Jane Eyre coming in a few days if not later today... hopefully):   The 4 books I read in the months of May/June (not including Vanity Fair which I finished the first week of May): Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D James - 264 Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux- 280 Fields of the ...